Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation icon

Highland’s perspective on the market along with our house views on asset allocation.

  • Asset Allocation | September 2023

    The U.S. economy is a) shifting into a faster rate of growth; b) gently easing into a soft landing; or c) on the road to recession

  • Asset Allocation | July 2023

    While it may be true that, as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, the universe is under no obligation to make sense to you, would it be too much to ask for the economic data to do so?

  • Asset Allocation | June 2023

    The general theme of our May economic commentary was that decidedly mixed messages in the economic data were making it difficult to pin down where the U.S. economy is, let alone forecast where it is going.

  • Asset Allocation | April 2023

    This just in: The U.S. economy is slowing and the demand for labor is cooling. While we do not find either to be at all surprising, many analysts and many market participants are in full Captain Renault mode, shocked to learn that an economy that recently seemed so strong suddenly seems to be teetering toward…

  • Asset Allocation | March 2023

    Over the past several weeks, there has been considerable discussion of a “reacceleration” of U.S. economic growth in early 2023. While many have made note of this, few have been able to satisfactorily explain it, particularly given that it comes after the FOMC aggressively raised the Fed funds rate in 2022 and market interest rates…