Asset Allocation
Highland’s perspective on the market along with our house views on asset allocation.
Asset Allocation | August 2024
In a decidedly less interesting book, Bill Gorton’s question might have been “How do expansions end?” And while Mr. Hemingway, thankfully, opted to go a different route, Mike Campbell’s reply would have been the same: “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
Asset Allocation | July 2024
The fiscal path of the federal government has increasingly become a topic of conversation, not to mention concern, not only among the general public but also among market participants.
Asset Allocation | June 2024
One of the best pieces of investment advice we’ve ever come across is “don’t make short-term judgments about long- term assets.”
Asset Allocation | May 2024
In a long-ago time, when documents were actually printed, a popular phrase – “before the ink was even dry” – was used to describe how quickly things can change.
Asset Allocation | April 2024
In a long-ago time, when documents were actually printed, a popular phrase – “before the ink was even dry” – was used to describe how quickly things can change.